The Immortality of Garrick

The Immortality of Garrick
David Garrick, the eighteenth-century actor, playwright, and theater manager often credited with Shakespeare's 18th-century revival, is here lauded by a group of 17 actors in their favorite Shakespearean characters, as he is carried to his apotheosis

Thursday, May 10, 2012


To change, or not to change – that is the question:
Whether ‘tis more impressive in the community to adapt
The works and plays of original masterminds
Or to take risks against a sea of Critics
And by creating something new end them.  To be, to dream –
No more – and by a dream to say we write
The new, and the thousand inspirational muses
That the heart is slave to.  ‘Tis applause
Secretly to be wished.  To be, to dream –
To dream – perchance to express: ay, there’s the rub,
For in that creation of expression what words may come
When we have changed what was known,
Must give us pause.  There’s the fear
That makes writer’s block of so long a struggle.
For who would face the abuses and offenses of criticism,
-Touch immortal Shakespeare or try his amateur hand-
Th’ audience’s booing, the critics’ comparisons
The disappointment of rejected writing, and the judgment
That indoctrinated society of th’ amateurs believes,
When they themselves might his play enjoy
With a distinguished signature?  Who would criticism undergo,
To be shamed and ridiculed under a futile attempt,
But that the dread of rejection after production,
The spontaneous expression, from whose bravery
No writer ignores, conjectures the controversy,
And makes us rather worship those works we recognize
Than acknowledge others that we know not of?
Thus celebrity worship does make cowards of us all,
And thus the bold face of creation
Is tided o’er with the natural comfort of stagnation,
And belief in tradition and legacy
With this respect the writers cease writing
And lose the name of artist.

The theater, the midnight sky
plays inspired by constellations and shooting stars,
galaxies and the Big Dipper.
The actors, the fireworks and night lights
so much practice and preparation
in anticipation of the big showing, the night to shine.
Waiting for the cue of the director
to perform their parts,
each explosion of sound and light more forgettable and unremarkable than the next.
Each actor’s dramatic soliloquy
an infinitesimal moment to make a lasting impression.
A self-sacrificing act, it ultimately ends in silence – nothing.

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