The Immortality of Garrick

The Immortality of Garrick
David Garrick, the eighteenth-century actor, playwright, and theater manager often credited with Shakespeare's 18th-century revival, is here lauded by a group of 17 actors in their favorite Shakespearean characters, as he is carried to his apotheosis

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tempest Blogger's: Post 2

Hi Tempest Blogger's

For your second post, I'd like you to do a little preliminary research into restoration adaptations of Shakespeare's The Tempest.  To get you started: important revisions of The Tempest are authored by John Dryden & William Davenant, Thomas Shadwell, and Thomas Duffett.  Track down some information about, and ideally even some text from, any of these adaptations, compare it to the Shakespeare text we just studied, and post your conclusions for your classmates.

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