The Immortality of Garrick

The Immortality of Garrick
David Garrick, the eighteenth-century actor, playwright, and theater manager often credited with Shakespeare's 18th-century revival, is here lauded by a group of 17 actors in their favorite Shakespearean characters, as he is carried to his apotheosis

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tempest Performances update

Hi all!

The director of the Tempest got back to me (very generously) as follows:

I will arrange the following:

9 tickets for 2/17

5 tickets for 2/18.

They'll be at the door in your name. All comps.

Thank you very much! And if it would help you to have me or (some of) the cast come and visit one of your classes, just let me know.

So to see the play, just go to the scene dock theater on your specified night and ask for your ticket under my name.

I also would love to take him up on his invitation to talk to the class, schedule permitting, so I plan to ask him to come the week of Feb 20th (after we have all seen the performance).

1 comment:

  1. I saw the play on Thursday and I went in expecting the worst- everyone's input on it was far from encouraging and I was expecting awfulness and a rolling bed. I was actually pleasantly surprised- I loved it! I enjoyed it so much that I actually went to see it again on Sunday afternoon. I thought it was really well configured, especially considering how tiny and awkward the theater was, and I thought the use of the bed was unique and interesting (though admittedly, sometimes kind of awkward and confusing). I thought all the acting was really strong, and it really helped my understanding of certain scenes to be able to see it acted out. I thought the music was wonderful (and quite haunting) and I loved the Stefano/Trinculo scenes- they were just funny enough to keep the audience attentive without detracting from the other scenes.

    So yeah...I liked it a lot! I dont know if I'm alone in this. Anyone want to clarify further why they did or didn't like the play, and which aspects of it?

    AND I know its not as pertinent after the midterm, but I would still love to hear the director and even the actors speak about it if at all possible.

    AND AND just so you know, Professor Anderson- Jasmine and I had a bit of trouble getting the tickets on Thursday night (they were sold out); but after some haggling with the girls selling the tickets, they made a few calls and were told to put us at the top of the waiting list. So thank you for arranging that for us- we wouldn't have been able to see it that night otherwise.
