The Immortality of Garrick

The Immortality of Garrick
David Garrick, the eighteenth-century actor, playwright, and theater manager often credited with Shakespeare's 18th-century revival, is here lauded by a group of 17 actors in their favorite Shakespearean characters, as he is carried to his apotheosis

Monday, February 27, 2012

Winter's Tale Bloggers: Post #1

Hi WT bloggers,

We actually don't start The Winter's Tale till after spring break, so your assigned prompt for this unit pertains to our upcoming field trip to the Clark Library.  I'd like each of you to select one eighteenth-century editor of Shakespeare and describe for your classmates who you chose (bit of biographical info), why you chose him (why he seemed more interesting to you than some other candidates), a few characteristics of his 18th-c edition of Shakespeare, and what differentiated this edition from prior or later ones.  Candidates (just to throw out a few names) could range from Rowe to Theobald to Pope to Warbuton to Steevens.  See me if you are having trouble tracking down information.

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